Customers wanted their users to accept custom terms of service and privacy policy information for their team.
Agreement: A prompt like a terms of service or privacy policy that users have to accept to proceed.
Historical Agreement: A past agreement of a type that has been replaced by a newer agreement
Type: Differentiating the type of agreement being made
Acceptance: A record of users accepting the agreement.
Our system already had concepts like "Terms of Service" and "Privacy Policy", but they were hard coded into the front end, and we couldn't update or track their acceptance over time.
We had an existing on-boarding flow that we could tap into to require new prompts and acceptances.
describe('Service agreement getter', () => {
it('should not return accepted agreements', () => {});
it('should not return unaccepted historical agreements', () => {});
it('should not return agreements from another team', () => {});
it('should not return agreements for a type their team does not use', () => {})
Modified the onboarding component to allow dynamically populated messsages from the API.
Updated the "accept" button to fire a POST request.